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Join Our Community

Whether you are…
  • Black, brown, white, Latinx, Asian, Indigenous, or multi-racial
  • Queer, gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, questioning, or straight
  • Three days old, 30 years old, or 103 years old
  • Single, married, with/without kids, divorced, widowed, or partnered
  • Living in Philadelphia, the suburbs, or elsewhere
  • Struggling with addictions or know someone in that position
  • A student, looking for a job, or gainfully employed
  • Disabled, able-bodied, or a person of differing abilities
  • Neurodiverse or neurotypical
  • New to Judaism or a lifelong member
  • Seeking your path, Jewish or not

You belong here at Rodeph Shalom!

Where equity, inclusion, and diversity are our congregational values!

We would like to follow-up with you. Contact Membership Manager Steven Share if you are interested in becoming a member or learning more about Rodeph Shalom.

Thank you to our EID (Equity, Inclusion, Diversity) Task Force for its ongoing leadership, crafting this message, and helping to pursue our congregational vision.