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Shabbat Worship

Shabbat Services

Friday night is the primary time when our community joins to welcome Shabbat. We lift our voices in prayer, celebrate and give thanks for our blessings, and connect to that which is greater than ourselves. We encourage everyone to join us on Friday night at 6:00 p.m. and Saturday morning at 10:45 a.m. to be a part of the wonderful Shabbat experience and the joy of a community worshipping together. Click here to join the livestream.

Pre-Oneg (celebration)

Mingle with your friends or make new ones every Friday at 5:30 p.m. before the Shabbat evening service at a pre-oneg (pre-Shabbat celebration).


We recognize the power of music to inspire us and connect us to Judaism. We strive to reflect the sound of the contemporary would outside our building within our sacred space by incorporating multiple musical instruments and musical styles in our worship and study.

Ani Kinor: The RS Orchestra

Ani Kinor: the RS Orchestra is Rodeph Shalom’s mini-orchestra and a feature of select Friday evening Shabbat Services during the year. “Ani Kinor” is a Hebrew phrase, taken from the beloved Naomi Shemer’s song “Yerushalayim Shel Zahav,” meaning “I am a stringed instrument.” The strings of Ani Kinor help our prayers, joy and musical expression soar. Come hear and experience the power of strings and feel how each of us can be a “stringed instrument” in worship. Come join the community and prepare to leave our sanctuary uplifted and rejuvenated.

Thank you to Ani Kinor: The RS Orchestra Fund, founded by Edward & Gail Snitzer, for supporting the music of our worship service. We are also grateful to Karen & Fredric Edelstein for their continued support and the contributions of Dona Horowitz-Behrend & David Behrend, the Broder family, and Sarah Gitchell & Gary Dorfman.

Makheilah: The RS Choir

The RS Choir enhances our High Holy Day  Contemporary services and participates in special musical events and Friday evening Shabbat services throughout the year. If you love to sing and want to spend time with others who love to sing, come join our choir!

Shireinu: The RS Youth Choir

Youth Choir meets after Berkman Mercaz Limud to hang out and learn contemporary Jewish music. The choir sings during worship services throughout the year. Open to K-5th grades. Shireinu is generously sponsored by Dona Horowitz-Behrend & David Behrend.