Elul Reflections: Rouse Us

How does tradition wake us up to change?  In Sephardic congregations, the shofar is sounded at the morning services during the month of Elul.  This is for the purpose of […]

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Elul Reflections: Habit

We are creatures of habit.  “Most of the choices we make each day may feel like the products of well-considered decision making, but they’re not. They’re habits,” writes Charles Duhigg […]

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Elul Reflections: Tuff Courage

Lives were saved when school clerk Antoinette Tuff talked down a young man who showed up at McNair Discovery Learning Academy in Georgia armed with an AK-47 last Tuesday.  Learn about […]

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Elul Reflections: Awaken

The great shofar is sounded, and the still, small voice is heard.  Uv’shofar gadol yitaka, v’kol d’mamah dakah yishama.  What will rattle in you this year upon hearing the shofar […]

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