Thrice Blessed with Torah

By Fred Strober

Rosh Hashanah at Rodeph Shalom had special meaning to me this year. I attended both the “alternative” and “classic” services, finding each inspiring in its own way. Having played some role in shaping the back-to-back nature of the services, I felt that I wanted to participate in both, but I never thought that I would come away so moved with my very personal involvement with the Torah over the course of the morning.

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Center City CSA

Members of the Center City CSA (community supported agriculture) look forward to Thursdays when Farmer Phil comes and drops of fresh produce and cheese.  Some of the produce we have received so far include swiss chard, kale, onions, peaches, blueberries, plums, lettuce, arugula, zucchini, cucumbers and chives- all organic and straight from the farm.  Along with trying new vegetables, each participant volunteers to help with distributing the produce. 

Members will have the opportunity to visit the farm where everything is grown and take a canning class to learn about preserving the fresh produce.

Check out more pictures at Rodeph Shalom’s facebook page.

Like the Center City CSA on Facebook.

Congregational Choir Gathering

Throughout the year, the members of our Congregational Choir grew closer and wanted to socialize outside of the synagogue.  A potluck dinner was arranged and everyone had a wonderful time.  After dinner, the choir enjoyed a brief Havdalah service.

The choir is getting excited about singing in this year’s Alternative High Holy Day services.  If you would like to participate please contact Cantor Murley.

Enjoying a brief Havdalah service.

Check our more pictures at Rodeph Shalom’s facebook page.

Buerger ELC End of Year Celebration

Our rabbis joined the end of year celebration at the Buerger Early Learning Center wth Shabbat Blessings, which was almost as exciting as the fire engine, water ice and face painting.

Check out more pictures at Rodeph Shalom’s facebook page.

Toast for Trees

On June 23, the Young Friends of Rodeph Shalom hosted the Toast for Trees fundraiser to directly benefit the Buerger Early Learning Center, making it a better and greener place for kids to play.  Trees will help soften the edges of the Synagogue, improving and beautifying the neighborhood.  The tree planting will engage younger audiences in RS while managing stormwater, reducing heat island effect and greening the City.

The event was a lot of fun for all involved and included raffle prizes and samples from the Men of RS Brewing Club, Old City Coffee, Bird Song Wines, Y+B Wines, Philadelphia Brewing Company, Las Bugambilias, The Khyber Bar & Dos Segundos Restaurant.

The Toast for Trees committee sample the home-brewed beer the Men of RS were graciously sharing.

Check out more pictures from the event at Rodeph Shalom’s Facebook page!

Lift Every Voice and Sing

By Fred Strober, RS President

I’m the first to admit it: I have a horrible singing voice. It’s easier for me to carry a 100 pound sack of flour than it is to carry a tune. You may not want to be near me when I sing. Your first instinct may be to move a few feet away once I’ve started. Continue reading

Visioning Initiative

By Fred Strober, RS President

The weekend of March 4th through 6th is an important one for Rodeph Shalom.  It represents a critical point in the “Visioning Initiative” that your clergy and Board of Trustees initiated last fall to help determine—with your meaningful involvement—the future direction of our congregation.  Our “guide” for the weekend will be Rabbi Larry Hoffman, a leading intellectual force behind many of the changes over the past decade which have kept the Reform movement relevant.

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Israel and Haiti

by Frederick D. Strober
Rodeph Shalom President

When I was 25, I wound up in a unique place, doing my best to help. In October, 1973, I visited Israel for the first time. I was staying with an aunt in Jerusalem, scheduled to return home after the High Holidays, and experiencing a Yom Kippur morning literally without a car on the road. Suddenly, sirens started wailing and cars quickly began to appear—at noon on Yom Kippur! The Yom Kippur War had begun and I got to see a country mobilize in a matter of hours. It was controlled chaos, and I was amazed how calm the Israelis stayed as hundreds of young men raced to collection points and sped away in army vehicles. It’s a day I’ll never forget.

The men were away at war and the kibbutzim needed workers to finish the harvest. Once the actual fighting ended, my plans laid aside, I headed to Kibbutz Kfar Giladi, in the far north, to do what I could to help.

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Chanukah Blessings

Meditations for Each Night of Chanukah (If you have special readings or traditions for Chanukah, please share them with us.)

FREEDOM – – First Night: We kindle these Chanukah Lights in memory of the dedication and courage of the Maccabees. They willingly sacrificed their lives for the freedom to worship God as their hearts and minds dictated. As we kindle these candles, we rededicate ourselves to work for the equal rights of all people, and for the realization of a society of democracy and freedom.Continue reading

In Memoriam: Doris Garrett

Mention the name Doris Garrett to any Rodeph Shalom long-time congregant and you will get the same reaction as that expressed by Ivan Gable upon hearing of her death on September 9, 2009:

“Doris Garrett epitomized Rodeph Shalom to many congregants over almost two generations. She was Rabbi Wice’s confidant and represented him ably whenever he was unavailable and a member needed help or advice. She helped prepare brides before their marriages in the sanctuary and was loved by hundreds, if not thousands, of members.”

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