615 N. Broad St. Philadelphia, PA 19123 | 215.627.6747
615 N. Broad St., Philadelphia, PA 19123 | 215.627.6747
B’reishit* (Pre-K - 2nd Grade)
*Torah is fundamental to Jewish life and learning, so our school is built around Torah! Our five Communities of Torah align with the five books of the Torah are B’reishit (Genesis), Sh’mot (Exodus), Vayikra (Leviticus), Bamidbar (Numbers), and D’varim (Deuteronomy). Students within a Community of Torah share t’filah experiences (prayer/worship) and other aspects of life at Berkman Mercaz Limud’ and enjoy youth group events together. Their teachers collaborate on shared goals appropriate to the developmental stages of the children in their community.
All students in B’reishit (Pre-K through 2nd Grade) enjoy these experiences on Sunday mornings:
T’filah with Rabbi Freedman– A joyous, musical Jewish worship experience, with stories and student participation.
Panim el Panim (Face to Face) led by classroom teachers– A chance for students to develop friendships, ease into the school day, and learn about the weekly Torah portion.
Learning about Jewish holidays, Jewish Values, Shabbat, and Torah stories with classroom teachers and madrichim (teen assistants), the fundamentals of Jewish life, with activities and games, art, music, read-aloud books, and more!