Shabbat sermon delivered 10/24/14.
We just bought our Halloween candy for next week’s trick-or-treaters. (I haven’t quite finished it yet.). Bags of mini candy bars take me back: Do you remember the 80’s, and the freak reports of razor blades in bags of candy? Suddenly, the world was out to kill America’s children. No longer could we accept homemade cookies or apples, lest they be poisoned–by my neighbors, in suburban New Jersey! And no longer could we go home and pop a chocolate bar in our mouths. No, we had to wait for my mother to pull out the cutting board and the cleaver, and chop through, to check for razor blades, so that we could then enjoy our Kit-kat sawdust.
What do we need in order to feel secure? How much worry is too much worry? How do we balance our caution and our trust? Continue reading