by Rabbi Jill Maderer
Pesach is around the corner and the time has come to make plans for Seder, and to prepare to tell the story of the Israelites’ redemption from slavery to freedom! In the last week, I have received many emails with Pesach questions.
Q: Does Rodeph Shalom have a congregation seder I can attend? A: Yes! Please rsvp to our RS Multi-generational Second Night Seder!
Q: What Haggadah should I use at my own seder at home? A: Although no one Haggadah is right for every table, what follows are 5 Haggadot I can suggest for different needs. Remember: never feel like you need to recite the whole Haggadah! If you are the seder leader, flip through ahead of time and mark your book with post-its or notes—it’s all about pre-selection! Continue reading