Week of Events
Torah Queeries
Torah Queeries
Dinner at 6:30 p.m.; Discussion at 7:00 p.m. Parshat Vayeitzei (Gn. 28:10-32:3)––“and he came out”––follows Jacob as he leaves his home and seeks a spouse. In this transitional period, he has a revelation in an unexpected place. During Torah Queeries, we will study Jacob’s coming out story and the ways in which it illuminates our […]
Weekly Meditation Group
Weekly Meditation Group
Please join us each Friday evening from 4:30-5:30pm for Jewish mindfulness meditation. Our practice includes awareness of breath and body (yoga) to help us welcome Shabbat in the spirit of shalom. Come anytime. Beginners welcome. Join Zoom Meeting
Torah Study
Torah Study
The cornerstone of our learning is our Saturday morning Torah Study. We discuss the weekly Torah portion and have a lively and spirited conversation as we relate this ancient text to our daily lives. No special training or prerequisite courses are necessary for you to attend. Neither is there an entrance requirement for the understanding […]