Israel ConnectRS Meeting
Congregation Rodeph Shalom 615 North Broad Street, Philadelphia, PA, United StatesGather for discussions and speakers on topics that strengthen the bond between RS and Israel at 6:30 p.m. (dinner at 6 p.m.) Join Zoom here. RSVP to Ned Hanover.
Community Morning Minyan
Congregation Rodeph Shalom 615 North Broad Street, Philadelphia, PA, United StatesEvery Thursday from 8:10-8:30 a.m. on Zoom Are you looking to perform a meaningful mitzvah for our community? Are you observing a yahrzeit? Have you lost a loved one in the past 11 months? Join us for a brief service where we come together to remember and support each other. Join Zoom here. Open to all. Contact Tomas Isakowitz.
Weekly Meditation Group
Congregation Rodeph Shalom 615 North Broad Street, Philadelphia, PA, United StatesPlease join us each Friday evening from 4:30-5:30pm for Jewish mindfulness meditation. Our practice includes awareness of breath and body (yoga) to help us welcome Shabbat in the spirit of shalom. Come anytime. Beginners welcome. Join Zoom Meeting
Shabbat Evening Service
Congregation Rodeph Shalom 615 North Broad Street, Philadelphia, PA, United StatesJoin together for an uplifting and transformative worship service that attracts the diverse population within Rodeph Shalom, a service which is participatory, warm, inclusive, welcoming, spiritual and meaningful, which helps everyone connect with each other, with the soul of Jewish prayer, and with God. If you would like to access services virtually, click here to […]
Torah Study
Congregation Rodeph Shalom 615 North Broad Street, Philadelphia, PA, United StatesThe cornerstone of our learning is our Saturday morning Torah Study. We discuss the weekly Torah portion and have a lively and spirited conversation as we relate this ancient text to our daily lives. No special training or prerequisite courses are necessary for you to attend. Neither is there an entrance requirement for the understanding […]
Mah Jongg
Congregation Rodeph Shalom 615 North Broad Street, Philadelphia, PA, United StatesJoin on Sundays at 10:00 a.m., beginning Sept. 15. Contact Andi Shuster at
iEngage Series
Congregation Rodeph Shalom 615 North Broad Street, Philadelphia, PA, United StatesiEngage, the program about Israel developed by the Shalom Hartman Institute, returns to Rodeph Shalom on September 15. Rick Berkman, RS Past President, will lead this eight-week series that helps North American Jews prepare for Israel’s future by gaining a greater understanding of pivotal past events. Presented by Israel ConnectRS, the course explores the critical […]
Flyers Game with Men of RS
Wells Fargo CenterRoot on the Flyers as they look to take down the rival New Jersey Devils on Monday, Jan. 27 at 7:00 p.m. at Wells Fargo Center. $35/person. Open to all. Limited to 30 people. Register here. Contact Dan Stamm at
Online Midweek Hebrew
Congregation Rodeph Shalom 615 North Broad Street, Philadelphia, PA, United StatesIntroduction to Judaism
Tuesdays, January 14 – April 8; 6:00-8:00pm Free for RS members; $250 (individual/couple); Register here. If you are an interfaith couple, considering converting to Judaism, or Jewish and looking for beginner’s education, Introduction to Judaism is perfect for you. Taught by RS clergy, this course provides a foundation of the Jewish faith, culture, people and history, from […]