Flyers Game with Men of RS
Wells Fargo CenterRoot on the Flyers as they look to take down the rival New Jersey Devils on Monday, Jan. 27 at 7:00 p.m. at Wells Fargo Center. $35/person. Open to all. […]
Root on the Flyers as they look to take down the rival New Jersey Devils on Monday, Jan. 27 at 7:00 p.m. at Wells Fargo Center. $35/person. Open to all. […]
Tuesdays, January 14 – April 8; 6:00-8:00pm Free for RS members; $250 (individual/couple); Register here. If you are an interfaith couple, considering converting to Judaism, or Jewish and looking for beginner’s education, […]
Breaking Bread on Broad (BBoB) now provides food, diapers, and feminine hygiene supplies to up to one hundred families in need each Wednesday morning outside our Green Street entrance. BBoB […]
Every Thursday from 8:10-8:30 a.m. on Zoom Are you looking to perform a meaningful mitzvah for our community? Are you observing a yahrzeit? Have you lost a loved one in the past 11 […]
Please join us each Friday evening from 4:30-5:30pm for Jewish mindfulness meditation. Our practice includes awareness of breath and body (yoga) to help us welcome Shabbat in the spirit of […]
Join together for an uplifting and transformative worship service that attracts the diverse population within Rodeph Shalom, a service which is participatory, warm, inclusive, welcoming, spiritual and meaningful, which helps […]
The cornerstone of our learning is our Saturday morning Torah Study. We discuss the weekly Torah portion and have a lively and spirited conversation as we relate this ancient text […]
Gather for singing, storytelling, a craft, and oneg at Tot Shabbat. RSVP to Andi Miller.