This Passover (Passover celebration resources, here), as we celebrate our exodus from Egypt as refugees seeking freedom in a promised land, let’s also think of the refugees today escaping the horrors of war and oppression and seeking freedom in the United States. When you come to RS for services, Berkman Mercaz Limud, or the Passover 2nd Night Seder, please remember to bring donations of household goods (no clothing) to RS bins at the foot of the Klehr Stairway, for refugee families who are being resettled in Philadelphia by HIAS PA (Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society). Right now there is a particular need for the following items that the U.S. government requires for every immigrant household:
Manual Can Openers
Tea Kettles
Mixing Spoons
Dishwashing Liquid – new and unopened
Tall Kitchen Trash Bags – 13 gallon
And a special request for HIAS’s after-school program for refugee children:
Oxford Picture Dictionary English-Farsi. Many of the refugee children in the after school program are children of families from Afghanistan who worked for the US government there. They speak Farsi.
Paperback “I Can Read” books Levels 1, 2, 3, and 4. (They are also available at Barnes & Noble or on