Staying at the Table: The Women’s March and Anti-Semitism
This week’s Torah portion, Bo, includes a text from the Passover seder. Through my family’s seder table ruckus, I always hear the special emphasis my family reads in this part. […]
This week’s Torah portion, Bo, includes a text from the Passover seder. Through my family’s seder table ruckus, I always hear the special emphasis my family reads in this part. […]
This Passover (Passover celebration resources, here), as we celebrate our exodus from Egypt as refugees seeking freedom in a promised land, let’s also think of the refugees today escaping the […]
Passover is coming! Are you looking for resources? Start to eat down your bread, get your post-it’s ready if you’re preparing a seder, and check these out! A sweet Pesach […]
At this week’s seder, Jews recited “Once we were slaves.” Who, today, is still vulnerable to the shackles of injustice? I recently learned about a sex trafficking awareness initiative of the […]
I recently coordinated a panel on global anti-Semitism. Participants learned about the efforts of the U.S. State Department and the American Jewish Committee in their work urging foreign governments to crack down on the […]
This month, the National Constitution Center and the William Way LGBT Community Center announced a partnership for an exhibit commemorating the 50th anniversary of the first LGBT protests in the […]
I hope your Pesach preparations are going well! If you’re ready to pull out the post-it’s and prepare to lead your own seder, here’s a list of Haggadah suggestions, from most […]
What is freedom in a world of obligation? Liberation in a religion of responsibility? As we move further from Pesach and closer to Shavuot, consider David Brooks’ ideas about how […]
A story is told of a rabbi who lay on his deathbed, smiling. “Why” his students asked, “just moments away from death, are you smiling?” “Because,” the rabbi replied, “For […]
When we consider the meaning of our actions and of our days, many wonder: Destiny or free will? Judaism says both! A story is told about Rabbi Akiva’s daughter. When she […]