Elul Reflections: Loud Clamoring and Silent Stirring

 “The great shofar is sounded, and the still, small voice is heard.”  We read in the Un’taneh Tokef prayer, one of the central prayers of our High Holy Day liturgy, Uv’shofar gadol yitaka, v’kol d’mamah dakah yishama. How do we pay attention to the both the loud and the silent in our lives? What is clamoring loudly for your attention and what is stirring silently within you? In this month of reflection, we attune our souls. We practice listening to the loud and the silent, and we prepare to heed both.  (Please join us as we practice paying attention at weekly Friday 5pm Jewish Meditation, before our Shabbat service).

L’shanah tovah–Your RS Clergy