"To accept gifts from all whose heart moves them to give" (Exodus 25:2)
Each contribution is greatly appreciated and goes a long way in ensuring the health and future of Rodeph Shalom. We aspire for Rodeph Shalom to be among everyone’s top philanthropic priorities and that each philanthropic encounter inspires deeper engagement and commitment.
For information on contributions providing long-term benefit to RS, click here.
To provide additional annual financial support, furthering our long-standing mission to welcome all, regardless of financial ability, click here.
Long-term Benefit to RS
RS Endowment
Endowment Funds provide unrestricted support for the Synagogue’s educational, religious and cultural programs, as well as for the maintenance of our infrastructure. The principal of these funds remain in perpetuity while the yearly earnings support the Congregation.
Restricted Funds:
Named funds that provide for specific needs of the Congregation as predetermined by the donor, the President of the Congregation and our clergy. Our existing funds support programs such as entry-level Mercaz Limud (Religious School) education, musical programming, Jewish camping and the Philadelphia Museum of Jewish Art.
Capital Gifts:
For 215 years, Philadelphia’s Jews have connected with each other, Judaism and our city through Congregation Rodeph Shalom. During our long history, our congregation has faced and responded to a wide range of challenges with fortitude and flexibility. We have consistently emerged as an even stronger institution. The challenge that we now face is not new, it has been emerging for many years. Our 1920’s historic landmark building is aging and is not designed to meet the expectations and requirements of our 21st century community. As a center for Jewish life in our region, we have a sacred responsibility to ensure that our building meets our needs and those of future generations. During this next year, we will undertake the critical initiative of expanding and upgrading the building to produce the spatial environment that we need to foster our Congregation’s mission of Creating Profound Connections.
The Legacy Society: Gifts for Future Generations
Click here to learn more about this philanthropic opportunity.
Annual Support:
Investing Membership Level
Participation in the Investing Level of membership contribution (amount above Sustaining Membership Commitment) enables us to be the visionary center of Jewish life we strive to be.
High Holy Day Appeal
At this focused time of the year, the President traditionally reminds the Congregation of the need for financial as well as spiritual support.
Specific Interests & Synagogue Needs
Perpetual Memorials
As a congregation rich in tradition, we value the generational continuity provided by Perpetual Memorials. The Congregation observes the Yahrzeits of current members. This program ensures that future generations will be reminded of our loved ones as well. Contact Sophia Schwab to set up a Perpetual Memorial.