PMJA Mission

Presenting contemporary art that illuminates the Jewish experience, the Philadelphia Museum of Jewish Art (PMJA) has, since 1975, presented solo and group exhibitions of work in the broadest range of mediums by artists of diverse backgrounds. The PMJA is located within Congregation Rodeph Shalom.

Permanent Collection

(located in the Gushner Gallery)

The permanent collection includes important contemporary artists such as Chaim Gross, Tobi Kahn, Boaz Vaadia, Siona Benjamin, and many additional renowned local and international artists. The permanent collection exists because of the generous philanthropy of our RS members who have contributed to the purchase of the pieces in our collection. The development of a permanent collection was initiated by Joan C. Sall, Director Emeritus, who, early in the museum’s history, along with her husband Hyman, purchased many works for the collection.

This philanthropy continues with the recent sponsorship of a Diane Burko piece from her exhibit Repairing the Earth (Tikkun Olam): Diane Burko, Artist & Environmental Activist by Andrea R. Kramer & Lee A. Rosengard and Ellen & Mickey Simon.

The PMJA is a vital and engaging part of the RS Community. We are grateful for the past 40 years of leadership of Joan C. Sall, Director Emeritus; Wendi Furman, Curator Emeritus; along with past Co-Chairs Gail Rosenberg and Janeane Sloane. We invite any RS member interested in the PMJA Committee to contact Robin Blumenfeld.

Please note that we do not offer tours during business hours, unless scheduled with a docent or RS staff member. Please contact Sophia Schwab for information.