Chairs:  Judah Calkins and Liane Friedberg

The Young Friends of Rodeph Shalom gathers members and prospective members, generally in their 20s and 30s, who want to establish and grow roots at RS and in the Philadelphia Jewish community through social events, Roaming Shabbat at the home of Young Friends, Jewish learning, and a commitment to tikkun olam.

Visit the Rodeph Shalom Young Friends Facebook Group for the latest information on Young Friends events.

Upcoming Events:

Young Friends Torah Study at Bar Hygge

Thursday, May 16 at 7:30 p.m.
Join Rabbi Freedman to discuss the weekly Torah portion. Register here. Contact Liane Friedberg.

Young Friends, pRiSm, and Men of RS at the Phillies
Monday, June 3 at 6:40 p.m. at Citizens Bank Park.
Watch the Phillies take on the Brewers! Grab a hot dog and a drink and cheer on the Phils. Only 50 tickets available, so act soon! Register here. Contact Liane Friedberg.