Event details
- Thursday | June 10, 2021
- 7:00 pm
You are invited to an RS Women’s Rosh Chodesh celebration on Thursday night, June 10, from 7:00 to 8:00 PM on Zoom.
Rosh Chodesh is a traditional Jewish women’s New Moon celebration, which has been adapted since the 1970’s as a time for women to meet and celebrate our bonds of friendship. This was our beloved monthly tradition before the Pandemic. Now that we can see the light at the end of the tunnel (it must be moonlight!), it’s time to begin anew. We will introduce ourselves, talk about where we find ourselves in this time of transition, and make plans for moving forward.
Please register below. Join the Zoom here.
Looking forward to celebrating Rosh Chodesh with you on June 10.
Linda Karp Rudow and Ellen Poster, RS Women Co-chairs