Affirming Our Jewish Values-Driven Commitment to Transgender Rights

Again and again, Torah enjoins us to protect the most vulnerable in our society. As our Board of Directors member Ellen Poster has said, “The relentless assaults on the rights of transgender people can leave me feeling as though God is hidden in our world.” In our commitment to do God’s work on earth, we stand with the Reform Movement, with our own congregants and their families whose safety relies on gender expansive civil rights, and all who honor the divine in every human being. We lift up this Statement from the Union for Reform Judaism: click here to read the URJ’s statement.

To deepen your understanding about Jewish wisdom’s affirmation of transgender rights, to join in acts of solidarity with Jewish communities in rights-threatened states, and to join in acts of justice advocacy, please participate in our Shabbat service commemorating Pride Month and in the Shabbat dinner led by pRiSm (the RS LGBTQIA+ affinity group) on Friday, June 2  – please register by clicking here.

And we look forward to being with you in community tonight.

Shabbat Shalom,

Rabbi Maderer
Rabbi Freedman
Cantor Hyman
Jeff Katz, Executive Director
Jennifer James, Director of Youth Learning and Engagement