A Purim Tale by Ben-Zion Friedman
MEGILLAH GEOGRAPHY Once aPUN a time King OSH-KOSH of the UNITED KINGDOM was HAVANA good time . PEKING toasted ; ” YEMEN , SERB up SAMOA wine . let’s TAIWAN […]
MEGILLAH GEOGRAPHY Once aPUN a time King OSH-KOSH of the UNITED KINGDOM was HAVANA good time . PEKING toasted ; ” YEMEN , SERB up SAMOA wine . let’s TAIWAN […]
Rabbi Bill Kuhn delivered this d’var Torah last Shabbat and interpreted how we can all be “Brave!” Last weekend was “Shabbat Parah” the first Sabbath after Purim, which highlights the connection […]
It was a spirit-filled Purim at RS! Enjoy this year’s brave video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MDx5yl_PRUk
Thank you to the Megillah readers, Rak-n-Kol a capella group, Beth Ahavah Players and Young Friend Purim poets for contributing to a fun and funny Purim Saturday night! Here are […]
By Rabbi Jill Maderer This weekend, celebrate Purim! Saturday night at 7 pm, at our Purim Shpeil and Party, adults will come in costume, hear some Megillah, enjoy the shpeil […]