Dangerous Conversion Bill and Attack on Religious Pluralism in Israel

Separation of Church and State in Israel has never been achieved, and more than ever before, religious pluralism is under attack.   

CONVERSION BILL: Leaders of the Reform Movement have been rigorously lobbying in Israel, to stop proposed legislation to turn all Jewish conversion authority over to the Chief Rabbinate (orthodox) in Israel.  This week, Prime Minister Netanyahu opposed the bill and the Kenesset delayed the vote.  The Reform Mvmt urges us to email Netanyahu and to acknowledge and push for more of his support.  Conversion bill update and link to Netanyahu’s email.  

WOMEN OF THE WALL: The arrest of Anat Hoffman, for the crime of carrying a Torah scroll at the Western Wall, was another in a series of attacks on progressive Judaism, feminism and democracy. 

For a reflection on the state of pluralism, read Rabbi David Ellenson’s (president of the Reform Movement’s seminary, Hebrew Union College; Ellenson will speak at RS this fall) Jerusalem Post column, “A Call for State-Sanctioned Tolerance.”