Caring Community
We express meaning in the everyday, gather as a community, and walk with each other through the joys and sorrows of our lives. At all times, our congregational family is here for one another, and we are continually learning how we can best support our community.


Social Justice
In a broken world, we commit to be a voice of conscience and to engage in the work of social justice. From our doorstep to our neighborhood and beyond, we welcome the stranger and embrace our responsibility to connect with and learn from others.


We are a richly diverse community ready to meet people on their spiritual journey. There are a growing number of unaffiliated Jews and seekers, an we must continue to think in new ways to engage all generations, in person and virtually, both in our own community and beyond our walls.


Sacred Space
Our building is an historic landmark and our spiritual home. We enter the synagogue to celebrate, to learn, to laugh, to heal, to pray, to challenge ourselves, and to connect with others about the deepest questions of our lives. With antisemitism on the rise, it is imperative that Rodeph Shalom remains a safe and awe-inspiring space for all who walk through our doors.


We aim to instill in our young people a curiosity for Jewish learning, a love of Jewish living, and the confidence to make decisions inspired by Jewish values. Educating our children from the earliest age and engaging our community in lifelong learning are imperative to ensure the future of Judaism.