On the Day of Atonement, it is our tradition to remember our departed loved ones.

In our annual Roll of Remembrance book are the names of those who passed away this year and those with a Perpetual Memorial* at Rodeph Shalom.

To include and honor the memory of loved ones (who passed away in previous years) in the 2023/5784 Rodeph Shalom Roll of Remembrance, visit bit.ly/rollofremembrance2023 or use the form included in your High Holy Day mailing to make a contribution. Contact Alyssa Geller at ageller@rodephshalom.org for information.

To be included in the Roll of Remembrance, the deadline is Monday, September 11. Contributions and names received later will be acknowledged in the RS Bulletin.

The Roll of Remembrance will be available at Yizkor/Neilah (memorial/concluding) Service on
Monday, September 25 at 4:30 p.m. The names of all who passed away since last year’s High Holy Days will be read at this service.

*To establish a Perpetual Memorial, which includes annual placement in the Roll of Remembrance book, along with a memorial plaque hung in the sanctuary on your loved one’s yahrzeit, contact Sophia Schwab at 267-930-7293 or sschwab@rodephshalom.org.