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Congregation Rodeph Shalom

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  3. Congregation Rodeph Shalom
Events at this venue

Mah Jongg

Congregation Rodeph Shalom 615 North Broad Street, Philadelphia, PA, United States

Join on Sundays at 10:00 a.m., beginning Sept. 15. Contact Andi Shuster at

Jewish Cookbook Club

Congregation Rodeph Shalom 615 North Broad Street, Philadelphia, PA, United States

Find a recipe for a Jewish soup (there are many). Prepare it; bring some for us to taste and pack the rest in containers to share. Register here. Contact Julia Williams.

Online Midweek Hebrew

Congregation Rodeph Shalom 615 North Broad Street, Philadelphia, PA, United States

Israel-Palestine Discussion Group

Congregation Rodeph Shalom 615 North Broad Street, Philadelphia, PA, United States

Israelism Part ll: Learning to See a Fuller Picture Join us on February 11th as we continue our assessment of the provocative film Israelism. This 2023 documentary follows two young American Jews who see many things in Israel that lead them to question the stories about it that they had been raised on. We can compare and […]

Israel-Palestine Discussion Group

Congregation Rodeph Shalom 615 North Broad Street, Philadelphia, PA, United States

Israelism Part ll: Learning to See a Fuller Picture Join us on February 11 as we continue our assessment of the provocative film Israelism. This 2023 documentary follows two young American Jews who see many things in Israel that lead them to question the stories about it that they had been raised on. We can compare and […]

Breaking Bread on Broad Distribution

Congregation Rodeph Shalom 615 North Broad Street, Philadelphia, PA, United States

Breaking Bread on Broad (BBoB) now provides food, diapers, and feminine hygiene supplies to up to one hundred families in need each Wednesday morning outside our Green Street entrance. BBoB partners with a variety of Philadelphia non-profits and our own RS members to obtain and distribute these necessary items. We fulfill our RS mission to […]

Event Series Widows Moving Forward

Canceled Widows Moving Forward

Congregation Rodeph Shalom 615 North Broad Street, Philadelphia, PA, United States

The loss of a spouse can be overwhelming and painful. The support of a community can help provide comfort and strength at this sad time. Widows Moving Forward offers the opportunity to connect with other widows in a safe and positive environment. Contact Susan Gross.

Midweek Hebrew

Congregation Rodeph Shalom 615 North Broad Street, Philadelphia, PA, United States
Event Series Community Morning Minyan

Community Morning Minyan

Congregation Rodeph Shalom 615 North Broad Street, Philadelphia, PA, United States

Every Thursday from 8:10-8:30 a.m. on Zoom Are you looking to perform a meaningful mitzvah for our community? Are you observing a yahrzeit? Have you lost a loved one in the past 11 months? Join us for a brief service where we come together to remember and support each other. Join Zoom here. Open to all. Contact Tomas Isakowitz.

Weekly Meditation Group

Congregation Rodeph Shalom 615 North Broad Street, Philadelphia, PA, United States

Please join us each Friday evening from 4:30-5:30pm for Jewish mindfulness meditation.  Our practice includes awareness of breath and body (yoga) to help us welcome Shabbat in the spirit of shalom.  Come anytime.  Beginners welcome. Join Zoom Meeting