Click here to submit your Voter Commitment Form.

What is the Every Voice, Every Vote Campaign?

Every Voice, Every Vote is the Reform Jewish Movement’s 2020 civic engagement campaign, a nonpartisan effort to strengthen our democracy by encouraging everyone to participate in the U.S. election.

In anticipation of the upcoming November election, Rabbis Maderer and Freedman and a group of Rodeph Shalom members formed a nonpartisan voter engagement group whose purpose is to enable voter access. We are excited to be partnering with the entire reform Jewish community in Pennsylvania through the URJ Religious Action Center (RAC) in a newly formed Pennsylvania level organization (RAC-PA). 

What are our goals?

Our campaign has three areas of focus:

  • Mobilizing voters with outreach to our congregation; our goal is 100% voter participation among Rodeph Shalom members.
  • Mobilizing voters with outreach to 10,000 members of underrepresented voting communities in partnership with One PA.
  • Combating voter suppression by lobbying our local PA and community election officials to implement best practices for voter access.

We need your help!  What can YOU do? → → Be engaged!

  • Check your voter registration status NOW so that you will be eligible to vote using this link
    • Be sure to vote. Make your voting plan!
      • For information on voting in Pennsylvania, you can refer to the RS Voting Guide.  We will be keeping this site current with up to date developments.
    • You can get involved in some or all of our efforts as described in the three goals above
      • For helping to eliminate barriers to the ballot and ensuring fair voter access for everyone, please contact Stephanie Miller at
      • If you are a teen, have a teen or know a teen who wants to get involved in voter engagement, please contact Eli Booth at
      • If you have any questions about becoming a 100% voting congregation or the voter mobilization program, please contact RS member, Michelle Fogg at
  • To register for our voter mobilization program, please use this link for EACH date that you plan to join a phone bank. After you register, you will receive a confirmation email with the Zoom link to join the phone banks. The first 30 – 45 minutes of the phone bank session will include training on how to phone bank using One PA’s system and script.