For Congregants and Advisors

Legal name

Please use the following name and information when referring to Congregation Rodeph Shalom in documents:

Congregation Rodeph Shalom located in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

(Tax ID # 23-1365228), or its successors


Bequest language

Specific amount or asset

I give [$   amount_____ OR ___asset ___]  to Congregation Rodeph Shalom, located in Philadelphia, PA (Tax ID # 23-1365228), or its successors, to be used as the trustees of the Congregation shall determine.


Residuary Gift

I give ________% of the rest of my estate to Congregation Rodeph Shalom, located in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (Tax ID # 23-1365228), or its successors, to be used as the trustees of the Congregation shall determine.


Designating your gift for the impact you desire

The Congregation values all gifts from estates.  Those gifts directed to the general endowment allow the trustees the most flexibility in using your gift. However, should you wish to direct your gift to a program important to you, the following areas are suggested:


General Endowment


Music & Art


Social Action

Preservation of the Facility


We want to assist you

If you wish to restrict your gift to a specific RS program rather than the general endowment, please contact Jeff Katz.


This information is not intended as legal, tax, or financial advice. When considering a gift of this nature, always consult your professional advisors.