Food Drive on Yom Kippur Morning

Using the shopping bag distributed to you on Rosh Hashanah morning, please bring non-perishable food items to Rodeph Shalom on Yom Kippur morning only for Philabundance. Thank you for continuing the tradition of tikkun olam at RS.

Yom Kippur

2:00 p.m., concurrent options

Meditation session: Join together for a Yom Kippur meditation session led by Ellen Poster and Betsy Ostrow. The curious and experienced are welcome.

Study Session: Join our clergy for a study session

A Great Shofar Blast
5:30 p.m.

Congregants of all ages are invited to participate in “A Great Shofar Blast” at the end of the Concluding Service on Yom Kippur (about 5:30 p.m.). Bring your shofar & help us create a beautiful sound.


Following the Neilah (concluding) Service on Yom Kippur, congregants are invited to gather in the Teller Auditorium to Break-the-Fast. Thank you to the Jamison Fund for its sponsorship.